Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Week's Assignments

Due Thursday (A-Day) / Friday (B-day):

1. flash cards 1-17
2. completed maps
3. trade barrier books

This Week's CRCT Prep Test

Test Study Guide

 CRCT Terms 1-11
 Maps: Australia, Canada, Europe, and Latin America
 Trade Barriers: tariff, quota, and embargo

Test Schedule: A-Day – THURSDAY (3/31) / B-Day – FRIDAY (4/1)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

After School Study Session

In preparation for the upcoming quiz, I will hold a study session Monday until 5:00. Any students that have questions about any of the CRCT terms are invited to attend.

Flash Cards

Create a flash card for each of the CRCT Terms.

Blank side of the card: the term

Other side of the card: the definition of the term and an example


Blank side:

Other side:
definition: a person who starts a business,
risking his or her money to earn a profit

example: "Mark wants to be an entrepreneur, so he bought a
large factory to create the clothes that he will

CRCT Terms 1-11

1. Mestizo – a person of mixed Native American and European heritage
2. Mulatto – a person of mixed African and European heritage
3. income – the amount of money earned or received during a certain time period
4. entrepreneur – a person who starts a business, risking his or her money to earn a profit
5. profit – the amount of money earned from selling something, after the expenses have been subtracted
6. investment – money that is used in order to make a profit
7. credit – the ability to borrow money and receive a loan
8. interest – extra money that is charged for borrowing money and receiving a loan
9. capital – money that is used to make an investment or start a business
10. capital goods – “things” that are used to help a business (ex. computers, desks, phones, etc.)
11. human capital – people that are used to help a business (workers)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

This Week's Homework Schedule

A-Day Students

Cuban Revolution Questions 1-5: due 3/9
NAFTA Questions 1-3: due 3/11
Zapatista Questions 1-4: due 3/15

B-Day Students

Cuban Revolution Questions 1-5: due 3/10
NAFTA Questions 1-3: due 3/12
Zapatista Questions 1-4: due 3/16

****All of the handouts are posted below. The students must write the questions and each correct answer on a separate piece of notebook paper.****

Unit 5 Assignments

Unit 5 CRCT Notes Parts 1-3 2011