Sunday, September 19, 2010

Holocaust: As Seen Through the Eyes of a Survivor (VIDEO)

Video link

Religion Flash Cards

We will take a quiz covering the different information we have learned about the three major religions.  This quiz will be taken on September 28 for A day classes and September 29 for B day classes.  In order to study for the quiz, I want you to make flash cards based on the following information:

nworshippers - Jews
nfounder - Abraham
nholy days – Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Hanukkah
nholy book - Torah
nhouse of worship - synagogue
nprimary locations of worshippers in and around Europe - Israel
nbranches – Orthodox, Conservative, Traditional, Hasidic
nworshippers - Christians
nfounder – Jesus Christ
nholy days – Christmas, Easter
nholy book - Bible
nhouse of worship - church
nprimary locations of worshippers in and around Europeeverywhere in Europe
nbranches – Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox
nworshippers - Muslims
nfounder - Muhammad
nholy days – Ramadan (lasts 1 month)
nholy book - Koran
nhouse of worship - mosque
nprimary locations of worshippers in and around EuropeNorth Africa, Middle East
nbranches – Sunni, Shi’ite
For the flash cards, write the name of the religion and the category on one side of the card.  Write the answer on the other side of the card. 
One side of the card: Judaism's worshipper
Other side of the card: Jews
One side of the card: Christianity's holy book
Other side of the card: Bible
One side of the card: Islam's house of worship
Other side of the card: mosque

Monday, September 13, 2010

New due dates for projects

I have extended the due dates for the Religion Project:

For A day students, the project is due on Monday, September 20.

For B day students, the project is due on Friday, September 17.

****However, I would like for the students to go ahead and turn the projects in as soon as possible.  Therefore, if you turn in your project on the original due date (Thursday for A day classes and Wednesday for B day classes), you will receive bonus points.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Religions Project

Due: Wednesday, Sept 15 (for B day classes) / Thursday, Sept 16 (for A day classes)

Assignment: The students have two options for this project.

Option 1 - Poster

Create a poster displaying different facts (e.g. house of worship, holy book, holy days, symbols, etc.) about ONE of the religions.  Pictures should be included for each of the facts.  *** I will assign the religion.***


Option 2 - Journal

Write THREE journal entries, one entry for each religion.  Each entry should describe a day in the life of a worshipper of the religion.  Your first page will be "A Day in the Life of a Jew."  The second page will be "A Day in the Life of a Christian."  The last page will be "A Day in the Life of a Muslim."  Each page must include facts about the religion (e.g. house of worship, holy book, holy days, symbols, etc.).

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Primary location" Link

Here is the link to find out where the worshippers are located in (or close to) Europe:

Click on Map #2: Map of traditional religious majorities by region in Europe

Religions Essay

Due: Monday, Sept 13 (for B day classes) / Tuesday, Sept 14 (for A day classes)

Assignment:  You will need your completed Venn Diagram.  Use the information that you learned about the different religions to explain the similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 
For example, "All three religions are similar because each religion has a holy book.  However, the books are different for each religion.  Jews read the Torah, Christians read the Bible, and Muslims read the Koran."