Thursday, September 9, 2010

Religions Project

Due: Wednesday, Sept 15 (for B day classes) / Thursday, Sept 16 (for A day classes)

Assignment: The students have two options for this project.

Option 1 - Poster

Create a poster displaying different facts (e.g. house of worship, holy book, holy days, symbols, etc.) about ONE of the religions.  Pictures should be included for each of the facts.  *** I will assign the religion.***


Option 2 - Journal

Write THREE journal entries, one entry for each religion.  Each entry should describe a day in the life of a worshipper of the religion.  Your first page will be "A Day in the Life of a Jew."  The second page will be "A Day in the Life of a Christian."  The last page will be "A Day in the Life of a Muslim."  Each page must include facts about the religion (e.g. house of worship, holy book, holy days, symbols, etc.).

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