Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Exam Practice Questions

These questions are OPTIONAL.  They will help you get ready for the Final Exam.  Try to answer as many as you can!!!

Which of the following is an example of a market economy?
A.          In some countries, workers are told exactly what to produce, and they are told exactly how much of the item should be produced.
B.           In some countries, children already know what their careers will be because jobs are passed down from generation to generation.
C.           People own their own businesses and compete against other businesses to make money.

Why were other countries concerned about the Chernobyl disaster?
A.          Chernobyl was immediately closed.
B.           The cost of nuclear power increased.
C.           Radioactive material fell on other countries.
D.           They did not have room for the sick people in their hospitals.

Carrie and her girl scouts are having a bake sale.  They’re having arguments about whether they should sale cookies or cake, so they are taking a vote. This is an example of a(n) __________.
A. autocracy
B. oligarchy
C. democracy

At places like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, millions of people were killed in gas chambers.  These places were called ________________.
                A. concentration camps
                B. ghettos
                C. crematoriums
                D. none of the above

As the dictator of Germany, Adolf Hitler made his political party the most powerful political party in Europe.  They were called the _____________.
                A. Gestapo
                B. Communists
                C. Democrats
                D. Nazis

In 1986, there was a huge explosion at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl.  Chernobyl is a city in
A)     Germany
B)      Poland
C)      Ukraine
D)      Hungary

The people that were exposed to the radiation after the explosion in Chernobyl are more likely to develop cancer.
A)      True
B)       False

In which types of government do citizens have no voting rights?
  1. an autocracy and a democracy
  2. an oligarchy and a democracy
  3. an oligarchy and an autocracy
  4. any of the three types of government
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis killed millions of people because of their race and their religion.  This was an example of _____________.
                A. suicide
                B. homicide
                C. genocide
                D. none of the above

What are the main causes of acid rain?
A.             Farms and forests
B.              Water power and electricity
C.              Coal burning factories and automobile emissions
D.             Solar power and wind turbines blowing the poison gases

Coach Sanders decided to open a chain of McDonald’s Restaurants.  He hired Mrs. Scotton to manage the one in Griffin.  He hired Mrs. Cheek to manage the one in Atlanta.  And he hired Mr. Posey to manage the one in New York City.  This is an example of a _________ .
A. unitary system
B. confederation
C. federal system

In the 1930’s, many people around the world lost their jobs.  Many businesses and banks closed.  Many people also lost their homes, making them homeless.  This decline in the economy is called a ________________.
                A. socialism
                B. communism
                C. capitalism
                D. depression

What was the largest country created from the former Soviet Union?
A.          Belarus
B.           Germany
C.           Russia
D.           France

Which of the following describes a confederation?
A.             A strong central government
B.              A strong federation
C.              No central government

Which solution has reduced air pollution in the United Kingdom?
A.             The ban on coal fires
B.              Acid rain in Western Europe
C.              The development of cleaner coal
D.             Pneumonia and asthma

In a unitary system, who makes most of the decisions?
A.             The central government
B.              The state governments
C.              Both the central government and state governments have equal power.

Which of the following is an example of a traditional economy?
A.          In some countries, workers are told exactly what to produce, and they are told exactly how much of the item should be produced.
B.           In some countries, children already know what their careers will be because jobs are passed down from generation to generation.
C.           People own their own businesses and compete against other businesses to make money.

An autocracy puts the power of the government into the hands of
A.          The citizens
B.           A single person
C.           The representatives
D.           A small group of people

Which statement is true about an oligarchy?
A.          Anyone can lead
B.           Leaders are elected
C.           A small group of people govern

Why were other countries concerned about the Chernobyl disaster?
A.          Chernobyl was immediately closed.
B.           The cost of nuclear power increased.
C.           Radioactive material fell on other countries.
D.           They did not have room for the sick people in their hospitals.

Which were effects of the depression?
A.          Employment rose and wages fell.
B.           Farmers gained land and business.
C.           People had more money and better jobs.
D.           Farmers lost their land and banks closed.

How does nature play a role in Germany’s acid rain problem?
A.          The poisonous emissions from cars cause acid rain.
B.           Air currents carry toxic smoke from other countries’ factories to Germany.
C.           The rivers of southwestern Germany are used to make electricity for other countries.
D.           Germany has many buildings that are being destroyed by the chemicals in the acid rain.

Which situation is an effect of acid rain?
A.             Cleaner rivers
B.              Diseased forests
C.              Buildings and statues that look new
D.             Increased automobile manufacturing

Coach Blake became sick and was not able to attend his football team’s practice, but his players decided to practice without him.  Javon decided to lift weights.  Richie ran laps.  And Kevin practiced kicking.  This is an example of a _________ .
A. unitary system
B. confederation
C. federal system

What happened to people who spoke out against Hitler?
A.          They were sent to Siberia.
B.           They were put under house arrest.
C.           Some were put in prison; others were murdered.
D.           Some were allowed to leave Germany; others were arrested.

 Who was spared during the Holocaust?
A.          Men
B.           Women
C.           Children
D.           None of the above

Which country was the leader of the Eastern Bloc?
A.          Germany
B.           Soviet Union
C.           United Kingdom
D.           United States

The United Kingdom is one of the leading fishing nations of the world. Which of the following is the best reason why this is true?
A. The United Kingdom invented fishing.
B. The United Kingdom has many people who love to fish.
C. The United Kingdom is surrounded by water.
D. The United Kingdom has very fast ships.

In which type of government do citizens have voting rights?
A.          Autocracy
B.           Oligarchy
C.           Democracy
D.           None of the above

Which was one of the areas of disagreement between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War?
  1. defeat of Hitler
  2. best type of economic system
  3. the danger of nuclear weapons
  4. the need to work with other countries
In a very popular novel, a group of vampires called the Denali Clan has control of all of the other vampires.  This is an example of a(n) __________.
A. autocracy
B. oligarchy
C. democracy

Because most economies have characteristics of the command economy and the market economy, we say they are
  1. communist
  2. free
  3. hybrid
  4. mixed
When Portugal sent ships to Africa, the king decided how the money would be spent during and after the trip.  This is an example of a _____________ economy.
A.           traditional
B.            command
C.            market

After Adolf Hitler died, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin decided to work together to control Germany.  This is an example of a(n) _________.

A. autocracy
B. oligarchy
C. democracy

Which of the following is an example of a command economy?
A.          In some countries, workers are told exactly what to produce, and they are told exactly how much of the item should be produced.
B.           In some countries, children already know what their careers will be because jobs are passed down from generation to generation.
C.           People own their own businesses and compete against other businesses to make money.

Who has the most power in the parliamentary system?
  1. a citizen
  2. a member of parliament
  3. the monarch
  4. the prime minister
Which is LEAST likely to be found in Europe?
  1. capitalism
  2. command economy
  3. market economy
  4. traditional economy

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