Saturday, February 5, 2011

Project: Leaders of Latin American Independence

Dear Parents,

The students will present information on the life and achievements of their chosen liberator.  They will have the following options for presenting the information:
Ø      Poster
Ø      Glog (an e-poster) –
Ø      PowerPoint Presentation
Ø      Poem, song, or rap
Ø      Monologue – dressed in costume (a presentation of the information from the first person point of view)

Students must choose an option by Monday, February 28.  On this day, they will submit their decision in writing.  At that point, each student will receive a rubric, outlining the grading criteria.  This project is worth 200 points.  Presentations will begin Monday, March 7.  Projects will not be accepted after Friday, March 11.  It is extremely important that your child takes this project very seriously.  It will have a tremendous impact on his or her overall grade for the 3rd nine weeks.


Steven Posey

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